Go Green with Video Tours!

 It’s no secret that shopping for a new place to live can take a lot of time, but do you know how much pollution it creates too? ‘On average, homebuyers see 15 properties before choosing one’ That means while shopping for a home, the average home shopper finds 14 homes interesting enough to go and see – but not suitable to move into! That’s a lot of wasted time in the car, and a lot of needless pollution. How much pollution? The US Census Bureau statistics show that 40 million Americans move each year. That’s a lot of people looking for new homes every year, and if they all drive to see 15 homes , that’s 600 million showings per year! What does each showing mean to our environment? Let’s say each showing burns a half gallon of gas. Burning one gallon of gas creates 20 pounds of carbon dioxide, so 600 million showings produce 6 BILLION pounds of pollution every year. What if there was a way to reduce the number of homes people actually drive to before they find the one they want? What would that mean to our environment? Ernst & Haas is now offereing video walk-throughs available to prospects from wherever they are via the Internet. Lets work together to protect our environment/ If Realtors, Landlords and Property Managers began using these types of simple videos to cut their showings by 65%, together we could reduce harmful carbon emissions by 4 billion pounds per year. That’s making our world a better place – one video at a time.