
[caption id="attachment_722" align="aligncenter" width="179" caption="Soon enough, we'll have to bundle up like Randy from "A Christmas Story"! "][/caption] Maybe we're just used to sunny Southern California, but it's cold out there! Small Notebook for a Simple Home offers some tips to help those that run their heaters - and their energy bills - save some money, and those that are freezing (because they're too cheap to run the heater), warm up and get back to normal temperature: -Tape over leaky cracks along the edges of windows - clear packaging tape tends to do the trick. -Roll up a blanket or towel and place it under doors or windows to block drafts. -Put on a sweater. -Insulate the windows by hanging a clear vinyl shower curtain behind the drapes - it helps stabilize the temperature. -Bake something. -Close air vents to unused spaces. -If  you have a fireplace, make sure the damper is closed. -Keep closet and cabinet doors closed. -Buy a programmable thermostat - you can take it with you when you move. -A humidifier causes the air to feel warmer. -Cuddle up under quilts. -Use a space heater, carefully. -Put an electric blanket on your bed. -Drink something hot. -Switch the ceiling fans to turn in reverse. -Cozy up with a hot water bottle. -Apply weather stripping to doors or windows. -Soak in a hot bath. -Wear wool socks. -Wear thermals under your clothing or as pajamas.